The club originated from the staff at Birdwing Ward at Brookwood Hospital. The instructors being Sensei Trevor Jones 3rd Dan, Derek Eastman, Colin Relph, Paul Rapley, Mike Cashmore and Ted Devlin the club Founder. The average class was 25 to 30 students.
Sensei Trevor Jones trained under O’ Sensei’s instruction in Japan.

In November 1976 with the closure of Brookwood Hospital, The club relocated to the Woking Leisure Centre, Kingfield Road, Woking and changed the club name to Brookwood Aikido Club. Training at Woking Leisure Centre was under the instruction of Sensei Colin Relph 3rd Dan.
This photograph dated about 1987 is of a Tuesday evening . It shows Sensei Relph overseeing Sensei Moore applying Nikkyo

Sensei Michael Presgrave and Sensei John Moore took on the role of senior instructors with the retirement of Sensei Relph. Sensei Dennis Wheeler Joined the club from the Koshinkan Aikido Society in Sutton in 2005 and now is Senior Instructor.